Home Gabbar Return

Gabbar Return

Let’s see for how many days, will stop only when penalized by google again else, I have over 100k articles to write (will start work on new site if penalized and I need some time maybe 30-60 days for resume writing work on new site as always – Gabbar already have 5-6 domains in queue for the next and as a backup plan).

Articles Sr. No., Writers & Payment. Work Resume Date: 21 January 2020

Sr. No./Date Writer Name Received Quantity/Date Payment
0001-0025/21-01 Hetal 24/28-01 Done/4320/28-01
0026-0050/21-01 Mugos 23/28-02 done/4140/paypal/28-02
0051-0075/21-01 Stellah 23/22-02 done/4140/paypal/28-02
0076-0090/21-01 Hans 14/07-02 Published/done/6480(36)28-02
0091-0120/21-01 Catherine 29/29-01 Published/You’ve sent $73.25 USD to Catherine Wangui Kahia/29-01
0121-0150/21-01 Njuguna 28/28-02 done/5040/paypal/28-02
0151-0175/23-01 Lucky 24/28-02 done/6180/28-02 after 3K deduction
0176-0250/24-01 Hetal 68/13-02 Done/12240/13-02
0251-0275/27-01 Wallace 23/28-02 done/4140/paypal/28-02
0276-0280/27-01 Shreya The Kid 5/07-03 /Done/900/08-03
0281-0300/28-01 Rahab White/editor cum proofreader 20/02-02 You’ve sent £75.00 GBP to Rahab Waterlow/02-02
0301-0305/28-01 Suchi – New 5/11-02 Published/Done/900/11-02
0306-0350/29-01 Catherine 39/07-02 Published/done/7020 paypal
0351-0355/30-01//24-04 Vaishali- New///mugos rec C/F
0356-0360/30-01 Soham-New 4/01-02 Published/Done/720/01-02
0361-0365/30-01 Anuranjan- New Removed/Banned Writer due to Copied Content =========
0366-0370/30-01 Amaan Zoya Akhtar-New Waste of Time =========
0366-0370/03-03 Hetal rec done
0371-0400/30-01 Winnie 28/30-03 done/5040paypal/09-04
0401-0450/09-02 Rahab 35/28-02(5 rem) You’ve sent £1339.00 GBP to Rahab Waterlow/26-02
0451-0470/09-02 Suchi 20/04-03 Done/3600/07-03
0471-0500/31-01 Soham 27/03-02 Published/Done/4860/04-02
0501-0505/31-01 Harpreet 5/11-02 Published/Done/1080withsample/11-02
0506-0550/01-02 Soham 38/06-02 Published/Done/6840/07-02
0551-0575/07-02 Catherine 20/13-02 Done/rs3600 paypal/13-02
0576-0580/03-02 Ananya Banned/Waste of Time/ =========
0576-0580/05-03 Hetal rec done
0581-0585 Rachna Unable to complete 25 articles pm right now/Left =========
0581-0585 Erica Wanja Banned/Waste of Time/ =========
0581-0585/15-02 Ann Kenya 3/17-02 Done/540/paypal/17-02
0586-0593/04-02 Rruchi mam senior Left ————-
0586-0593/03-03 hetal rec done
0594-0650/05-02 Soham 54/09-02 Published/Done/9720/11-02
0651-0675/07-02 The angry young man – Hans 22/22-02 done/6480(36)28-02
0676-0680/07-02 Saumya Sundran – FBI/CIA Banned. Beginner/Learner, dont know how to follow instructions. =========
0676-0680 Monica Banned/Time Waste/कहाँ कहाँ से उठ के आ जाते है नहाना तो दूर, मुँह धोके भी नहीं आते ! =========
0676-0680/17-02 Mahul Sharma Banned for Plagiarism & Grammar =========
0681-0685/08-02 Amit Jamshedpur 5/12-02 Done/900/13-02
0686-0725/08-02 James Kiriniya 33/16-03 done/paypal5940with$16/27-03
0726-0825/08-02 Soham 91/16-02 Done/16380/20-02
0826-0875/09-02 Njuguna 46/15-04 8280/19-04
0876-0925/09-02 Hetal 47/28-02 done/28-02
0926-1000/09-02 Hetal 67/09-03 done
1001-1025/09-02 Harpreet 25/12-03 done/phonepe/24-03
1026-1050/09-02 Catherine 24/21-02 done/4320/paypal/28-02
1051-1055/11-02 Kritika Juneja 5/18-02 Done/900/18-02
1056-1075/17-02 Lucky Oye 17/28-02 done/6180/28-02 after 3K deduction
1076-1100/12-02 Amit jmsdpr 25/05-03/2dead done/4500/24-03
1101-1125/12-02 Mandy 19/09-03 done/24-03
1126-1175/13-02 Catherene 45/12-03 done/paypal/8100/25-03
1176-1250/15-02 Soham 65/03-03 done/11700/06-03
1251-1275/16-2 Rahab 24/22-03 done
1276-1300/17-02 Ann 23/17-03 paypal/4160/25-03
1301-1305/17-02 Aparna – CNN-News18 5/28-02 done/900/28-02
1306-1325/18-2 Kritika Juneja 19/03-03/less800 done/4320/07-03/900adv
1326-1330/20-02 Niharika बेलगाम घोड़ियाँ/Banned =========
1331-1335/20-02 Divita बेलगाम घोड़ियाँ/Banned =========
1326-1330/20-02 Ankita ======= =========
1331-1355/21-02 Hetal (67+19+22)/11-3 = 108 done/48400/24-03
1356-1400/21-02 Hans 40/16/03 done/25-03
1401-1425/22-02 stellah 18/04-03 done/3240/paypal/8-03
1426-1430/24-04 Shouvik – ret tamarisha ————– Done——-
1431-1500/23-02 Soham 62/06-03 26010/phonp/24-03
1501-1525/23-02 Aparna – CNN-News18/HANS/29-04 rec from hans =======
1526-1535/24-02 Lucky 10/28-02 done/6180/28-02 after 3K deduction
1536-1570/25-02 lucky Banned for Plagiarism/RC000000 =========
1571-1600/25-2 mugos 27/13-03 paypal/4860/25-03
1601-1605/28-02 Nikhil/Hetal 4/23-03 done
1606-1630/28-02 Wallace 23/11-03 done/4140/pypl/27-03
1631-1635/29-02 Ritu Mam
1636-1660/03-03 Shriya/Rahab 31-05 20/03-07 done
1661-1700/03-03 GMara Banned for Plagiarism/RC000000
1701-1725/03-03 kritika 25/22-03 paid/4500-900/31-03
1726-1730/03-03 Arvinder 5/07-03 done/900/13-03
1731-1755/04-03 Suchi/Hans/29-04 Rec hans/ 39/17-05 done/27-05
1756-1800/04-03 Stellah 40/10-04 7200/19-04
1801-1805/04-03 Amrita Banned =========
1801-1805/07-03 Hetal rec/11-3 done/48400/24-03
1806-1850/05-03 Soham 41/10-03 26010/phonp/24-03
1851-1875/05-03 Amit//Shouvik-28-04 cf to 1876-1900 cf to 1876-1900
1876-1900/07-03 Arvinder/Shouvik-28-04 39/20-05 done/27-05
1901-2000/07-03 Soham 91/20-03 26010/phonp/24-03
2001-2100/07-03 Hetal 85/17-03 done/48400/24-03
2101-2150/09-03 Catherene 46/01-05 done/27-5
2151-2175/09-03 Mandy 20/30-03 done/19-04
2176-2225/11-03 Wallace 45/25-03 done/paypal/8100/27-03
2226-2250/11-03 Shouvik 20/12-04 3600/14-04/
2251-2255/11-03/24-04 Mirage///mugos REC C/F
2256-2280/12-03 Harpreet 25/07-04 done/4500/09-04
2281-2325/13-03 Mugos 42/24-03 done/7560/pypl/27-03
2326-2375/15-03 James 44/07-05 7920/19-05
2376-2430/16-03 Hetal 49(45+4)/23-03 done/48400/24-03
2431-2500/17-03 Soham 65/29-03 done/19-04
2501-2525/17-03 Ann/Cathrene/01-05 23/17-05 4140/19-05
2526-2575/17-03 hans 41/14-04 done/16-04
All payments will be on time to this date After this all payments will be late due F**king #ChineseVirus19 #XijinpingVirus #WuhanCoronaVirus
2576-2600/22-03 Kritika/RHB-12-06 Rejected 25/03-07
2601-2625/23-03 Wallace 22/10-04 3960/done/19-04
2626-2675/24-03 mugos 43/12-04 7740/19-04
2676-2750/24-03 Hetal 57/14-04 done/19-04
2751-2825/27-03 Soham 70/12-04 12600/19-04
2826-2850/30-03 Winnie 20/25-04 done/28-04
2851-2900/31-03 Mandy 34/18-04 done/19-04
2901-3000/02-04 Hetal 85/06-05 15300/19-05
3001-3025/06-04 Harpreet 24/24-04 done/28-04
3026-3050/10-04 Stellah 20/11-05 3600/19-05
3051-3100/10-04 The Wall Ace 45/20-04 done/28-04
3101-3125/10-04 Shouvik 19/06-05 3420/19-05
3126-3200/10-04 Soham 66/24-04 11880/19-05
3201-3250/12-04 Mugos 45/24-04 done/28-04
3251-3325/14-04 Hetal 61/18-05 done/27-05
3326-3375/14-04 Shouvik 43/24-04 done/28-04
3376-3425/14-04 Hans 41/29-04 7380/19-05
3426-3475/16-04 Njuguna 47/17-05 done/27-05
3476-3525/17-04 Mandy 33/01-05 5940/19-05
3526-3600/19-04 Soham 72/01-05 12960/done/27-05
3601-3650/20-04 Wallace 47/28-04 8460/19-05
3651-3675/20-04 Monojit 21/23-06 3780/27-06
3676-3700/24-04 harpreet 22/19-05 3960/19-05
3701-3725/24-04 Shouvik 26/06-05 (with1426-1430) 4680/19-05
3726-3775/25-04 Mugos 45/07-05 8100/19-05
3776-3800/25-04 winnie 23/19-05 done/27-5
3801-3850/28-04 wallace 45/12-05 8100/19-05
3851-3900/28-04 Mandy 36/18-05 done/27-05
3901-3960/28-04 Soham 58/06-05 10440/27-05
351-355 and 2251-2255 Tracy Mugo 10/29-04 CF in next 4116-4160
3961-4025/06-05 Soham 61/12-05 10980/done/27-05
4026-4090/06-05 Hetal 54/10-06 9720/14-07
4091-4115/07-05 harpreet 25/18-05 done/27-05
4116-4160/07-05 Mugos 40/18-05 + 10 9000/19-05
4161-4200/07-05 James 34/10-06 6120/23-06
4201-4250/09-05 soham 45/17-05 8100/27-05
4251-4275/11-02 rhb 19/10-06 done
4276-4325/11-03 Shouvik 39/02-07 7020/17-07
4326-4375/11-03 mandy 5220/14-07
4376-4400/11-03 stellah 24/10-06 4320/23-06
4401-4450/12-05 wallace 47/10-06 8460/23-06
4451-4525/14-05 Soham 68/23-06 12240/14-07
4526-4550/17-05 catherene 25/10-06 4500/23-06
4551-4575/17-05 njuguna 24/10-06 4320/23-06
4575-4610/17-05 hans 28/10-06 5040/27-06
4611-4640/19-05 Harpreet 28/10-06 5040/27-06
4641-4680/19-05 Mugos 35/23-06 6300/23-06
4681-4705/19-05 winnie 22/02-07 3960/02-08
4706-4750/20-05 Shouvik 36/07-02 6480/14-07
4751-4825/20-05 Hetal 63/23-06 nexxt—–
4826-4900/20-05 Hetal 60/23-06 22140/14-07
4901-4950/20-05 Harpreet 44/06-07 7920/14-07
4951-5000/20-05 James 35/02-07 6300/02-08
4986-4989/20-05 Sahu 3
After This New Price Plan Start 600+250 Words (850+)
5001-5050/27-05 Soham 46/10-06 6900/17-07
5051-5090/27-05 Catherene 37/23-06 5550/23-06
5091-5125/27-05 njuguna 29/10-06 4350/23-06
5126-5175/28-05 Wallace 45/23-06 6750/23-06
5176-5200/28-05 Stella 23/23-06 3450/23-06
5201-5250/28-05 shouvik 43/02-07 6450/14-07
5251-5285/28-05 mugos 34/23-06 5100/23-06